Cocker spaniels top ten as mixed-breed

Survey results from Maryland based Mars Veterinary rank the cocker spaniel as the ninth popular mixed-breed.  The study was a first-ever for mixed-breeds in hopes of determining risk factors for disease.  Interestingly, the top ten mixed-breed list doesn’t coincide the the AKC’s top ten.  Angela Hughes of Mars Veterinary explains the survey provides a “snapshot” of the past–Dogs that have fallen from popularity still make a large portion of mixed-breeds.

Top 10
Mixed-Breed AKC 2010
1 German shepherd Labrador Retriever
2 Labrador Retriever German Shepherd
3 Chow Chow Yorkshire Terrier
4 Boxer Beagle
5 Rottweiler Golden Retriever
6 Poodle Bulldog
7 American Staffordshire Terrier Boxer
8 Golden Retriever Dachshund
9 Cocker Spaniel Poodle
10 Siberian Husky Shih Tzu