Cocker spaniel critical after pit bull attack

Sian: Cocker spaniel-springer
A cocker spaniel-springer mix received severe abdominal wounds after being attacked by two loose pit bulls in Petworth, D.C. The cocker named Sian along with an unidentified dog walker were walking along 7th and Ingraham Street when the attack occurred. Dakota Pernell said, “I notice the lady is trying so hard to get her dog from underneath two dogs, two bigger dogs.” Pernell says she ran to help while most residents looked on in disbelief. “The pit bull had the dog in its mouth like it was a toy,” said Pernell. A 74-year-old senior carrying a stick and driver armed with pepper spray joined in and finally freed Sian from the pit bull’s jaws.

Sian had emergency surgery at Friendship Animal Hospital Wednesday afternoon. Sian’s owner caught a flight back to D.C. upon hearing the news. Police cited the pit bull’s owner for having unleashed dogs. One pit bull was taken away by Animal Control. Pernell sustained minor injuries to her hands during the rescue.