Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center

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Mission Statement:

The aim of the Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center, Inc. (CSAC) is to help needy Cocker Spaniels find loving homes by displaying their pictures and descriptions and by telling their stories -- to the best possible extent. We will also provide information on how and where to adopt them. Although we are a Maryland corporation, we will try to find homes for Cocker Spaniels wherever they need them. We will post information from all over the United States and beyond as it comes to us. 

Name Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center, Inc.
Location Westminster, Maryland
Fosters pets throughout East Coast
Written adoption agreement Yes, $250-300 adoption fee
CFC Charity No
501(c)(3) Qualified Charity No

Charity Information

Your deduction for charitable contributions is generally limited to 50% of your adjusted gross income, but in some cases 20% and 30% limits may apply (IRS publication 526).

Tax Deduction Requirements:

  1. Itemize your tax deductions
  2. Donation made to qualified organization (i.e. 501(c)(3), See IRS publication no. 78)
  3. Letter from charity for donations > $250
  4. Donations must be < 50% of your income

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