Klad Stuffie Share ::::::: December is Audra's Month :::::::


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I decided to do our final 2014 reminder a little early since next week is Thanksgiving week.

December is Audra's Month!
Thanks Polly, I have already got her stuffie will be mailing it out the beginning of December.
I think I'll look for a kitty kat for Audra since she has never seen a live one in her life :lol:
HA HA Polly!!! She lives with so many she is starting to think she is a cat! Poor girl came to us NEVER knowing what a cat was and now they just multiply here...LOL

We will be holding stuffies for Christmas again this year, but will get lots of pictures after she gets to open all her stuffies.

Thank you all!!!!
We ordered Audra's Stuffie today. It should arrive from Amazon around the 4th. :dance:
We have received 2 so far...I have put them up for the moment, once the house is in order then I plan to let her open 1....the rest will wait until Christmas :) Thank you everyone!
Kevin decided to reduce the number of boxes and started opening packages last night and combined them into one box. We have Polly's, Manuel's, and Kelly's, and 1 other that I am not sure who it is from...it is purple. Sorry I haven't examined anything closely as we are finishing our bedroom...I will post pictures when we are all done!!! We are SO close!!!! Manuel's is a big surprise since it is already wrapped -- that is so cool Manuel - Thank you!
Hope you received it. I need to check on what is up with USPS. I had mailed several cards out earlier. I know 2 people did not receive them.
Hey Nicole -- yes we did receive it. Sorry, we have had a really busy week/weekend preparing for our tree trimming party and my mom's birthday. Seems you have to clean every nook and craney to make your house look normal again after remodeling a room. CRAZY! It is still in the package because it is just as much my surprise as Audra's...LOL!
Lilly -- yours arrived on Saturday and is now tucked away with the others for Christmas Morning!

Thank you everyone!