Hoshi’s Bath

I gave Gabby and Hoshi a bath yesterday since in was so warm out. I was worried Hoshi would be scared of the dryer. Gina said not to worry. Hoshi jumped as soon as I directed the nozzle on him. I thought, oh no he’s scared. No, he wanted to play. He dried pretty quick with all that jumping and rolling around he did. He kept trying to bite the flow of air. It was funny.

Playing with ball video

Gabby’s favorite toy is a jiggly ball. They don’t last long as he tears them apart. I bought a new one so Hoshi could enjoy too. Hoshi isn’t as aggressive with the ball as Gabby is. Hoshi had fun though and it give those sharp piranha-like teeth something to work on other than my toes.

Hoshi Chases Bunny!

Hoshi chased his first bunny this evening. I tried to point it out to Gabby. Poor Gabby his vision and interest are waning. I picked up Gabby and took him to the bunny. Gabby didn’t see it until it moved. Hoshi chased after it as soon as it started running. Looks like Hoshi will be a good hunter just like Gabby.

This puppy! He’s chewing the computer cables and nibbling my toes right now.

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Hoshi hates his medication

I just had my mom help hold Hoshi while I squirted Clavamox in his mouth. He’s putting up more of a fight each time I give it. I thought liquid would be easier to give than the pill. Why on earth did they make it bubblegum flavor?! It smells just like the stuff we give kids in the ER. I doubt a puppy would appreciate the flavor.

Hoshi and Gabby video

It’s been years since I pulled out my video camera. I took a video of Hoshi and Gabby around noon yesterday:

This UTI is really a problem. Poor Hoshi is peeing every few minutes and having accidents. He’s been on Clavamox for 2 days. I’m hoping it will kick in soon. I’m just glad he’s not sick like he was a few days ago–poor boy.