My wife Cathy passed away in December. The Hospital made it difficult to help her. She tried her best to come home but the illness took too much from her. Now she’s in a better place with Gabby.

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Artwork created of my cocker spaniels throughout the years. The first to are by Polly. The last is by Cindy.
Gabby has been doing well since he started taking Vetmedin. I’m ordering Vetmedin through Foster & Smith as a significant discount. His cough has improved. His activity improved slightly. He sleeps a lot. He has lost weight–a good thing because he was overweight. I’ve decreased his Lasix dosage from 120mg (without my vet’s approval) to 80mg per day because his symptoms have improved with Vetmedin. 120mg of Lasix is a whopping dose even for a human.
He’s doesn’t like peanut butter like he used to. I use peanut butter to give his pills. Gabby takes 5 pills in the morning and evening. I’m using Jiff honey peanut butter he seems to like it the best. I’ll have to switch to something else if continues to be picky.
Gabby doesn’t have the strength he used to. It might be related to his blood pressure medication or inactivity. He’s lost a lot of muscle tone. This causes him to trip going up or down stairwells or getting down from the car.
I have to coax Gabby to get up for potty. I use treats. It funny, Gabby tries to steal the treats from me while he’s still in bed. He’s like a alligator lying motionless then he lunges in the blink of an eye taking the treat from my hand. I have to count my fingers to make sure they’re all there.
Gabby is doing well. His cough was worse this morning although better overall. I really haven’t noticed that much of a difference since I found out about his heart condition last month. I can’t get away with missing doses of his medication like I used to. We didn’t like giving him the Lasix because he has accidents with it. He has lost some weight and it looks good on him. We haven’t been on our usual long walk all summer. Maybe he’ll tolerate walks better when it cools down in the fall. I took some vacation days in September. I’ll try to take him somewhere nice.