Feeding better quality chicken

I’ve been buying our store’s brand chicken for years until now. Our store began carrying an “all natural” brand. The meat is better quality and not as fat. It also has a healthier pink color. Leaner meat means faster preparation times because there’s less fat to remove.

The all natural brand also uses smaller chickens (smaller bones): Now I can prepare drumsticks since they’re small enough to grind. These all natural drumsticks take half the preparation time compared to thighs since there’s hardly any fat to remove. I end up with smaller portions but supplement with chicken gizzards.

all natural chicken
All natural chicken
store brand chicken
Meijer’s brand chicken

Hoshi’s eating raw chicken again

I’ve been cooking Hoshi’s chicken since December and lately he’s losing interest in it. The other day I gave him his chicken raw and he went crazy over it. I’m glad he still likes it and I think it’s healthier for him. I need to find some doggie vitamins for him too.

Been cooking for Hoshi

Fried chicken
Fried chicken
I mentioned last I’ve been cooking Hoshi’s chicken (except for the bone). He loves it! He’s too picky about it when it’s raw. I don’t have time for his finickiness when I’m busy getting ready for work. The only thing I add is a clove of garlic to 3 chicken thighs. He fusses if I don’t add the garlic. No need for oil, there’s enough fat on the chicken. His stools have been good too.

Raw Chicken 1 year later

Lately, I’ve been thinking Hoshi wasn’t liking his chicken. He would turn his head away when I offered it to him or spit it out. I found out what was wrong. I wasn’t cutting the pieces small enough and he was having problems swallowing them. I cut the pieces smaller and no problems eating.

Here’s a picture of the chicken pieces I’m giving him now. About 1/2 the size they used to be. These are pruners I use to cut the bone. Hoshi could eat the bone whole but it takes too long. I also cut the bone into lengths I think are safe.