Cocker thrown from car: Woman charged

I have been covering this story since March 19th.  Fifty-six year old Maximina Shelton has been charged with animal cruelty in the case of the cocker thrown from a moving car.  She and her husband tossed their cocker spaniel named Puddles from a 1985 green Buick LeSabre on March 18, 2011.  The vehicle had been identified thanks to witness description.  The Sheltons said they tossed Puddles from the car to get rid of her.  Puddles was renamed Bambi by the Shamrock Pet Foundation.  Bambi has kept her sweet disposition despite sustaining multiple fractures from the abuse done to her.  Sadly animal cruelty only carries a misdemeanor charge in Indiana.

1 comment

  1. Many, Many thanks to Shamrock for taking such incredible care of this child and may the souls of her abusers be forever on fire !

    Proud, proud volunteer for CSAC, adopter, foster and owner of Freckles, Seamus, Murphy, Alex and Molly

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