Fleas even with Frontline Plus

It had only been 10 days since using Frontline on Hoshi and I noticed him scratching. I also noticed flea dirt and fleas on his scrotum during his trim yesterday so I used Hartz UltraGuard Plus flea shampoo on him. I’m not sure if the Frontline didn’t work or if he picked up more fleas outside. He’s seems comfortable now.

Hoshi’s walk

My cocker spaniel Hoshiko
My cocker spaniel Hoshiko

Hoshi went for a walk yesterday while Cathy was at the doctor’s.  It’s fun for him because we walked someplace new.  There was lots of vegetation for him to explore and run through.  That’s the face of a happy dog.

Hoshi had a bath and trim the day before.  He was panting indoors letting me know his coat was too warm.  He does this in the winter time too.  Just imagine if we lived somewhere hot like Florida or Texas. I trim him myself–not a gorgeous cut but utilitarian.

Alabama man caught beating cocker spaniel

David Mogil owner of Damn Yankees
David Mogil owner of Damn Yankees

David Mogil owner of Damn Yankees restaurants was convicted of aggravated animal cruelty for an incident that occurred November 10, 2014.  On that day, 3 electricians working across the street witnessed Mogil beat his girlfriend’s cocker spaniel outside on a balcony.  The beating was so savage one electrician yelled, “Dude, what the hell?”  The electricians said they heard the dog yelping in pain, one compared to the sound of a dogfight.  Mogil went back in the apartment after being seen.  Mogil came out on the balcony again.  That’s when a security guard saw “Lil” leap off the balcony hitting the pavement below.

Cocker spaniel Coco Lily has since recovered and has a new owner. Mogil remains jailed for striking a police officer.

balcony Coco Lily leapt from
balcony Coco Lily leapt from

Queens, NY woman beaten for cocker spaniel

Ginger photo by Lora Panossian
Ginger photo by Lora Panossian

On June 28th around 10pm,  Lora Panossian was walking her 5 year-old cocker spaniel Ginger in Chrocheron Park.  Two men approached Panossian taking interest in Ginger.  “They were friendly…asking questions about my dog, so I didn’t think anything of it.”  While one man petted Ginger the other “sucker” punched Panossian in the stomach.  She collapsed from the blow while the two men made off with Ginger.

Sadly, Ginger’s body was discovered two days later in a pond.  Panossian felt traumatized by the incident and was unable to work.  “It’s a safe area. I’m completely blown away that this happened,” she said.